Blog — Japanese knotweed
Scientific studies that have proven the capacity of herbs to fight infection
The scientific research that shows how herbs can fight infections Herbal remedies are revered for their natural medicinal properties, including their amazing therapeutic and preventative effects. We’re going to look at some herbs which have been shown to prevent and treat infections in research studies. Six herbs that can help to fight infections naturally Ginger The scientific community recognises ginger as a natural antibiotic. Research studies have demonstrated the potential of this herb to fight infections. It has an antibacterial and antiviral effect against several strains of microorganisms. Ginger can also stimulate the immune system and improve the body’s...
Lyme, Herb, and Treating Lyme with Herbs
What are the best herbal supplements for treating Lyme disease? Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria B. burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans by a bite from an infected tick. [1] Most Lyme disease patients are successfully treated with antibiotics. However, a large number continue to experience symptoms for months or years despite treatment. This is called post-treatment Lyme disease (or chronic Lyme), and symptoms include fatigue, memory problems and aching joints or muscles. Herbs can be helpful in relieving these symptoms and shortening the recovery period. We’ve got the lowdown on using herbal remedies...
Ten Edible Weeds that Adopt Your Garden
Known as the ‘weeds of cultivation’, arable or garden weeds, some people spend a lot of time and effort eradicating edible weeds to replace them with vegetables. Nowhere is the irony more amusing than in growing salads! The following ten plants will all invite themselves onto your patch of soil and can be harvested for food instead of just weeded out and discarded. 1. Chickweed Stellaria media. It’s seems that wherever you’ve bared the soil, chickweed will be in like a shot to cover it up again. It spreads over the surface of the soil putting down very fine roots as...
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